Jazz Cruise peruse

2 thoughts on “Jazz Cruise peruse”

  1. What a fun time we had! And you captured my sentiments about it all exactly. Now that it is a whole year and one pandemic away, I do find myself pining for a re-enactment of the experience. But I am pretty sure a cruise, jazz or not, will never make it onto my list again.

  2. And I thought the free T shirts left on our beds with the Jazz Cruise logo was just another excess…more swag…but now, in the cold of winter, remembering the marvelous warmth we all shared, as close as I can get is pulling on that T shirt reading the names of all those great musicians before I pull it over my head and wearing my “Blue Note” t-shirt under my fleecies and down jackets when I go out in the rain. I run into those names more frequently now. Blue note really opened the door to Gerald Clayton, Sullivan Fortner and Geoffery Keezer all musicians musicians I got to meet.

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